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TOP Casting PartsTrends You Need to Know

2024-10-21 17:14:31
TOP Casting PartsTrends You Need to Know

Now a day technology is growing rapidly. Every object around us from Cell Phones to Airplanes and much more are improving because of technological advancements. Casting parts in cars, planes and medicine are examples of the many important areas that our metals first find a home. These are the most important parts in helping to work these industries properly. Here are some gold trends in Casting parts that all of you should Need To Know. Swords Precision is here to help you. 

A Change in Casting Parts

Most of these casting parts have been around for years.. many thousands of years! However, this is all changing as new technology is coming on-line to manufacture these parts in a completely different way. One of which is the investment casting, a unique method used by us at Swords Precision and CNC parts production. This is a very interesting way. We first lay a layer of wax in the shape to be reproduced and then coat that with some sort of substance (milled from a square block) that hardens like ceramic. We pour the hard material and let it solidify, then evaporate the wax. This results in an emptiness into the shape we desire. We then pour more hot liquid metal into that empty space. This is a better method because it produces machined parts that are more accurate and smoother. Add in time, cost on prototyping and making really small batch parts. 

Consideration For Environment- Eco-Friendly Materials

Eco-friendly materials are very common nowadays and highly important because we have to save our planet and less energy. Swords Precision and Aluminum CNC parts always tries to be environmentally conscious and eco-friendly in everything we can utilize from recycled materials to biodegradable plastics. These materials are as good as the new, fresh materials and you can use them in different ways. We all know that the growing waste is harmful to our earth so we use Eco- friendly materials for reducing wastage.  

Making Things More Efficient

Lean manufacturing is the right way to do it better. It is about waste less and work faster with high quality. Lean Manufacturing Techniques for Casting It decreases errors, and it enhances productivity time. Tools like value-stream mapping and planning enable us to streamline our operation, make work visible, and improve continuously... all in line with lean principles. We can therefore produce high quality parts, in more efficient way. 

New Designs for Casting Molds

Casting molds play a large role in how the final part we produce will shape. The process is easier and faster than previously possible thanks to developments in technology that have enabled the design of cast molds. Here at Swords Precision, we do that with the help of computer-aided design (CAD) software to model out our molds with CNC machined components. Such software allows us to prepare detailed and complicated designs in a short time, doing so accurately, which saves production time and money. We also use our 3D printing tech to print the molds. By this method, we are able to build molds quicker and the parts manufactured in the final process have improved accuracy. 

Keeping Workers Safe

Safety is of utmost concern at Swords Precision. Our workers matter to us at every level and we go to great lengths to ensure their safety while they work.  Our workers are also provided with protective items like gloves, safety glasses, and masks to shield them from noxious fumes, dust, and hot metal splattings. We also have very good safety guards and safety switches in place to make the workspace safe. Our workers receive regular safety training to help them prevent injury and make sure they are able to work in a safe and healthy way. 

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