शेन्ज़ेन परफेक्ट प्रिसिजन प्रोडक्ट्स कं, लिमिटेड

सब वर्ग
  • बिल्डिंग 49, फूमिन औद्योगिक पार्क, पिंगु गांव, लोंगगांग जिला

  • सोम - शनि 8.00 - 18.00

    संडे क्लोज्ड

सीएनसी मशीनिंग क्षमताएं

Source: Sword PrecisionSword Precision is a unique organisation who operate high end CNC machines. You are probably asking yourself, wait what is CNC? CNC here stands for Computer Numerical Control. Therefore, these machines are computer assisted in terms of control but because the part geometry and tolerances that are achieved precision is very high. Machining is the process of manufacturing through the use of tools that cut away material. Put simply, Swords Precision cuts a variety of materials with cutting tools utilizing computers. This technology allows them to produce highly detailed and accurate parts.

Japan has some of the best CNC machines in full swing over at Swords Precision. These are the cutting-edge machines with which the team is able to work in order to realize parts not only perfect for tolerance but so as also very complex. This allows for the creation of pieces that can line up perfectly together, and function beautifully, which is vastly superior to the traditional ways of manufacturing items. Their machines can accomplish things that were previously considered extremely challenging if not impossible.

Technology & Capabilities Unleashed.

Swords Precision uses the latest and most advanced technology on their CNC machines. With this, the team is able to produce heavily detailed parts which would be extremely difficult or even impossible if crafted by hand. The cutting tools are controlled by special computer programs that guide them around with greater accuracy. As the business manufactures parts, they can keep a close eye on this equipment to ensure that parts are made correctly and meet their high quality standards.

Why choose Swords Precision CNC Machining Capabilities?

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