Зграда 49, индустријски парк Фумин, село Пингху, округ Лонгганг
Сундаи Цлосед
Here at Swords Precision, we know that coming up with new ideas is key in terms of manufacturing. One of the largest and recently most exciting new concepts that we have seen over the past few years is called 3D printing technology. It enables us to develop complex products in a rapid and effortless manner. We have completely altered the way we manufacture our products through the use of 3D printed moulds. This shift has empowered us to deliver a better quality, which we manufacture and design so that our customers love what we create.
One of the advantages of 3D printed moulds is that they are less expensive than conventional moulds. Traditional moulds are costly and time-consuming to produce. But, when moulds are created via 3D printing, making them becomes a very cheap and efficient process without the need for expensive manufacturing machinery to be used. What this translates to is that we make savings in the production process. This allows us to save on costs, and we can then use that money to provide reducing rates for our customers. It helps us keep our product prices low, which is good for our customers.
Not only are 3D printed moulds more affordable, they also have a much quicker lead time. Since we talked about how to make a 3D printed mould, it is significant to say that the time spent on creating it is really shorter than for an injection mould. This allows us to manufacture our products at a much quicker pace. Things move fast and making products quicker allows us to serve our customers faster.
There are many significant benefits to use 3D printing technology when producing moulds. The biggest advantage of 3D printing our prototypes is that it helps us prepare more complex designs with higher level of details compared to traditional mould. We can 3D print very complex geometric shapes and forms that would be very difficult or impossible to fabricate using traditional methods. Making those intricate shapes with conventional moulds normally needs sophisticated machinery which is time consuming and laboursome set up.
This, in turn, makes 3D printing more accurate than conventional moulding techniques. It makes our products better and appearance as well. However, we are able to maintain a much more consistent product due to the accuracy of the 3D printing process. That consistency is important to our customers who need the same top quality product every time they purchase.
3D printed moulds also provide significant benefits in terms of our product design. Because you can print a 3D model fast, you will be able to try out fresh ideas and change the design if need. Such flexibility enables us to deliver the optimum products that full fill our customers need. By building up shorter iteration cycles, we achieve higher levels of creativity and innovation.
Last but not least, 3D printed moulds are bringing a game changer for small scale producers. Previously, smaller businesses often lacked access to the same level of technology and machinery as larger companies. That created a barrier between them and competition. But 3D printing technology enables small manufacturers to craft high quality products at far lower prices than they ever could.
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